Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Henri Cartier-Bresson was a photojournalist who lived in France and focused on street photography and unique images. All of his images are black and white, seeing as he was born i 1908 and color was not yet an option.

This is one of Henri Cartier-Bresson's most famous photographs, and I can see why. The railing and the stairs from interesting geometric shapes and the biker speeding by in the background makes the image so much more interesting. I like how the biker is blurry while the rest of the image is sharp.

The image to the right is also an extremely attractive image. I love the way that you can see the reflections in the water and the way that the moving figure is so dark. It almost appears as though he is walking on top of the water and this image must have been very popular when it was first taken.



  1. Thank you for including the links to your images.

  2. I wrote about this guy too, I think you did a really good job explaining him!
