Thursday, May 8, 2014


Over April vacation, I went to Italy with some photo students! Here are some of my favorite images from the trip:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Theater Head-shots and Group-shots

I was asked by a couple of friends to take photos of the cast of the next theater production, Crazy For You. I'll go back in a few weeks to take photos of the people who were absent or those who weren't in costume. So far, so good. Here are some of my completed images.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Term 3

These are my favorite images form term 3. This term I focused more on people and "funny" pictures. I like the way they turned out.

Cyanotype Final Project

My final cyanotype project turned out great! I took the two images and hot glued them to wooden panels. I glued them on top of each other.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Lighting Notes

When using studio lighting, a key light is the main light that is used which is the brightest light in the room. A fill light can also be used to fill in the shadows. Reflectors can be used to bounce light back. A hair light makes a person stand out from the background. Background light adds light to the background which adds depth or can make a vignette. 

Split lighting is not for everyone and can leave one eye in a shadow but makes a dramatic effect. Clamshell lighting is a classic two light technique where both lights are of equal intensity. Four light techniques are good for a variety of situations. One high backlight directed at white boards reflect light back. This is called a wrap around set up. 

Different shades of skin also react differently to light and it is important to adjust accordingly.  

Monday, March 24, 2014

Alternative Process: Cyanotype

Final Cyanotype Plan:

Materials List:

  • 25 grams Ferric ammonium citrate
  • 10 grams Potassium ferricyanide
  • 3 Glass containers 
  • Graduated cylinder for measuring
  • Plastic spoons
  • Gloves
  • Scale (for measuring chemicals)
  • Paint brush
  • (Mostly) Cotton paper or fabric to print on
  • Glass to cover cyanotype  

Cyanotypes are done by the following process :

  1. Create a negative image of a  photograph and print it out on a transparent paper.
  2. Mix the chemical solution to be brushed onto the cotton paper. The chemicals are mixed together in equal parts.
    1. 25 grams Ferric ammonium citrate (green) and 100 ml. water
    2. 10 grams Potassium ferricyanide and 100 ml. water.
  3. In a really dimly lit or dark room, brush the chemical solution onto the paper with a brush and leave it in total darkness to dry.
  4. Place the negative on top of the paper and place a piece of glass over that to hold it together.
  5. Expose the cyanotype to light (either the sun or a UV light) 
  6. After it has been exposed, rinse the print in cold water until the water runs clear.

I will print two images onto pieces of fabric using this process. One will be larger and the other small. I will then wait until the fabric dries and stretch and staple the first image over a wooden frame that I have. The other image will be stretched over the smaller piece of wood. Then, I will attach the smaller canvas onto the top of the larger image. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Supersauce on Glass

To transfer an image using supersauce onto glass (or metal), you need:

  • Supersauce
  • Brush
  • Paint roller
  • Glass
  • Image printed onto special paper
  • A piece of paper to put under the glass
  • Painter's tape
How to do it:
  • Print out image onto special transparency, LET DRY
  • Tape glass and paper down to the table using the tape
  • Tape the transparency so that it will fall into place when you glue it down 
  • Coat the glass (don't forget to stir the supersauce to make sure it is not stringy)
  • Use the paint roller to slowly roll out the image onto the coated glass
  • Smooth out
  • Let dry for 3 minutes
  • Rub your fingers along the edges to break the seal
  • Pull off the transparent paper from a corner, slowly.
  • Let image dry completely
This process works great, and I plan to do it on a piece of metal with a baby picture of my boyfriend.